Women’s Ministry

Joy Fellowship


JOY Fellowship, Calvary’s women’s ministry, encourages women to grow in their love for Jesus and each other. JOY Fellowship regularly meets on the fourth Sunday of the month at 5:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall and includes fellowship, food, and prayer. Contact the church office for additional information.

Ministry Leader

Dixie Roberts

Upcoming Events

Women’s Retreat 2024 

October 18-20, 2024 at the Coastal Retreat Center, Isle of Palms
The October retreat for Joy Fellowship is at full capacity for overnight stay. You can be added to our wait list as many times in the few weeks before the retreat , people must cancel for different reasons.
However, we are offering reservations for daytime only. This means that you attend all events but you would go home after the evening message, or if you don’t mind driving late, you could also stay for the evening pajama party which usually last until 11 or12 p.m. The cost for daytime only Is 100.00 dollars to cover your craft supplies and meals. We will work out transportation for those people closer to time.
If you have a balance for retreat, we ask that you pay that before August 15. Please contact the church office for additional information.

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